In what's considered a management classic, "Good to Great" by Jim Collins introduces the concept of a hedgehog's defense strategy as a metaphor for that which differentiates good companies from great companies. Collins notes that great companies focus on doing one thing better than anyone else - exactly how a hedgehog defends itself from the cunning fox by doing one thing only, rolling up in a ball.
Let's take the hedgehog metaphor and apply it to the BlackBerry.
Since its inception, the BlackBerry has done one thing very well - deliver your email to you, wherever you may be. With email emerging as the predominant form of business communication in the early part of the decade, it's no wonder BlackBerry devices became central to business operations - even spawning a new term of endearment in the social lexicon, "CrackBerry."
Now with an established worldwide user base and dominant share of the mobile marketplace, it's no surprise that RIM, makers of the BlackBerry, have branched out into the app world with their very own app marketplace - BlackBerry App World - and continue to aggressively expand their smartphone and tablet lines, including the most recent keyboard/touch hybrid, the BlackBerry Torch. Make no mistake about it - although it has branched out into the consumer marketplace with similar phones and features to those of Apple or Android devices, BlackBerry will always be associated with business, first and foremost.
As I alluded to earlier, faxing remains a critical form of communication for a number of industries because of the inherent security vulnerabilities of email - an email can be spoofed, a fax transmission cannot. When it comes to transferring or sending somebody's healt records, financials or contracts, businesses will turn to fax for the foreseeable future. So it's no wonder then, at the request of our small and big business customers alike, that the MyFax App for BlackBerry is now available.
Integrating your email, fax and phone needs (i.e. consolidating all your phone numbers into one number with services like my1voice), into one device isn't just convenient, but makes rock solid business sense.
So to our MyFax BlackBerry...or..."CrackBerry" users, the MyFax App for BlackBerry is free to download via BlackBerry App World. Please enjoy this app as we continue to increase its functionality to better streamline your business and fax needs.
Have a thought or comment about our apps? Share it in the comments section below!
Will a version for Android be release at some point?
I second that! Can I get an Android app please. Android is just behind RIM in Sales from Q3 of 2010.
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