Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Interesting article on small business and technology

I saw this article the other day on bMighty talking about how technology helps small businesses become more innovative than the larger companies. If you haven’t read it yet it’s really worth a look.

The author, Fredric Paul, was referring to a study that is part of Intuit’s Future of Small Business series. Yes it’s that Intuit – the company that brought you QuickBooks, TurboTax, and Quicken, among other products.

In his article, Paul said that while he liked what Intuit had to say, he didn’t think they put enough emphasis on what technology can do for small businesses. In his mind, technology helps level the playing field between large, well-established businesses and small business. Specifically, he said that technology innovations are now giving small businesses the same tools that once were only available to large businesses. Hmmm, where I have heard that before?

You know we believe that here. It’s our whole reason for being, really. MyFax, my1voice, and Campaigner all make it easier for small businesses to communicate with customers, prospects, business partners, and others, improving efficiency while helping them show a more professional face. They do all of that while being conscious of the budget challenges facing small businesses, too.

One other point I really liked in the article was the statement that technology can actually help small businesses more than large enterprises, because small businesses don’t already have huge investments in legacy hardware and software. When they find a better mousetrap, they can move quickly to take advantage of it.

Your small business may not have the fame and fortune of the large enterprise just yet. But it doesn’t mean you can’t operate that way. There are all kinds of technologies out there that can help you lower your costs, increase your margins, satisfy your customers’ needs, and generally run your business with the best of them. The economy aside, there’s never been a better time to be a small business.


The Freditor said...

Thanks for the notice of our story. For more on how technology offers advantages to smaller companies, check out The bMighty Manifesto: http://www.bmighty.com/ebusiness/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=210300131

- Fredric Paul

Copying Services said...

Technology has afforded the small business owner the opportunity to be competitive without having to appoint staff for many functions, lowering overheads and freeing up time for getting on with business.