Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Best Industries (and Tools!) for Starting a New Business

I came across Inc. Magazine’s “The Best Industries for Starting a New Business Right Now” slide show the other day and was happy to see a handful of industries like healthcare, consulting, accounting and green construction on the list. We’ve found those industries are among those that rely heavily on faxing.

Even MyFax’s industry is included on the list: Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). Since MyFax is available online and doesn’t require any software downloads, it falls under the SaaS category. According to Inc., “Although software spending is expected to increase just 5 percent through 2013, the software-as-a-service niche is forecast to expand by nearly 20 percent annually over the same period, as companies continue to see the benefits of on-demand, flexible applications, according to Gartner, a market-research firm.”

We hope your business is weathering the economic storm. What industry are you in and what Web-based tool helped you start your business?

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